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About Us

Welcome to DOVEMATRIX experimental cyberpunk artwork.

DOVEMATRIX is an abbreviation for Design-Oriented Visual Experiments in Mechanocybernetic Artwork, Technology, and Related Interactive eXhibits. This website and included artwork are a work in progress by Russell Dove.

This slideshow shows some of the designs included in the VISION 2020 show. The works in that collection illustrate the design aspects of DOVEMATRIX art using layers of geometry and textures to imply a futuristic cyberpunk direction.

Artwork Creation

Many DOVEMATRIX pieces are mixed-media assemblages or collages of technical hardware, purchased items, and found objects. The majority is real-world artwork rather than digital creations.

Often the artwork are actual objects that you can hang on the wall or stand on a table. Some pieces are assemblages or collages of technical hardware. Sometimes photography of an arrangement of objects is the artwork. Logos and other graphic designs are created in digital format.

When naming artwork, often an acronym is chosen where both the title and description provide insight into the nature of the piece. This acronym or abbreviation is formed by the initial letters of a compound term.

On the Welcome video the SPIDERS DOVEMATRIX artowork can be seen on the still image. The SPIDER controller is used to operate the CRAWL drone. SPIDER is an acronym for signal processing identification of data electromagnetically radiated. This description indicates that the cybernetic organism might be able to detect electromagnetic radiation changes in the WEB around it.

When designing or creating DOVEMATRTIX artwork, often a combination of characteristics is considered. DOVEMATRTIX artwork often has elements of these.

  • Experiments in creating holographic technologies
  • Cyberspace Controllers
  • Cybernetic Organisms
  • Prototype Weapons
  • Cyberpunk Tool Designs
  • Computational Form Factors

Read more on how DOVEMATRTIX artwork is created on the Projects page.

Frequently Asked Questions


DOVEMATRIX is a website at that showcases experimental cyberpunk artwork from the artist Russell Dove.

What is Cyberpunk?

Wikipedia explains Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a dystopian futuristic setting that tends to focus on a "combination of lowlife and high tech",featuring futuristic technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with societal collapse or decay.

What is Experimental Art?

The Cambridge dictionary explains that art is the making of objects, images, music, etc. that are beautiful or express feelings, and that experimental relates to tests, especially scientific ones.

What makes DOVEMATRIX different from other cyberpunk artists?

DOVEMATRIX uses an old-school approach using standard tools and tries to use everyday objects in unique ways. In the future we plan on expanding our knowledge of 3D printers, laser cutters, and CNC routers to create art.

Website Design

This website uses many open source frameworks and plugins. This site was coded in HTML5 and CSS4 with programming in jQuery using visual studio code. This site uses Google fonts such as Orbitron. Carousels use the touch enabled jQuery plugin owl carousel. For privacy concerns, read our Privacy Policy.